Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

The best way to sign up is by downloading our app from the Play Store (Android) or the App Store (Apple) and using the in-app capability to create a new account.

How much does it cost?

Our app is completely free to download and use as much as you like!

Why is it free, what's the deal here?

It's been our mission from the start, to be the ultimate alternative to paid language courses. Even (probably) the world's favorite language learning app (Duolingo) is doing everything they can to push you into the subscription. Other apps are even more hardcore in making you pay.

We just don't want to be that guy.

In all honesty, we're not promising everything is always going to be free. We just can't. We have bills to pay. In the long run, we may have to start charging for certificates. Or we might charge for a textbook version of the course you're doing on the app. You know, the extra's. The most important thing we strongly believe in, is that the courses themselves should be free.

What level of speaking can I achieve?

This is a hard question. We're trying our very best to introduce as many words, concepts and ideas as we can... but in the end you'll have to talk to people to progress! Even with all the technology and science we're using to make the learning experience as good as possible, there is no substitute for having actual conversations!

Why do you only offer A1 and A2 exams/certificates?

In our humble opinion, "real proficiency" does not come from an app. That might sound strange from a company that built a language learning app, but to be fair there's only so much an app can do. Yes, our courses might train you up to B1/B2 (at least for listening, reading and writing - not speaking), but at some point you just have to put it to practice.

And don't underestimate the value of A2 proficiency, it gives you the power to unlock so much more of a language without any outside help. We make sure to give you all the theoretical knowledge to understand written language - and therefore to understand spoken language. The big difference is that when you're reading, you have time to think it over, maybe look up some words in the dictionary... but when you're in a conversation, that doesn't fly.

In other words: we do our utmost to prepare you for real-life scenarios, to give you the tools to learn more, but in the end "real proficiency" comes from practicing in the outside world. That's why we don't feel comfortable giving out a B1 or B2 certificate.

Can I delete my account?

Yes you can! Log into the app, tap on your profile picture and select the 'Other' tab. Here you can find a button to delete your account. Be careful: it cannot be undone!

I have a suggestion or question

Great! We love feedback. If you have ideas to make our product better, please reach out to

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