Free Dutch Language Course

What will you learn?

Our free Dutch course is full of vocabulary training. We've included 1276 commonly used words throughout the course, which will be sufficient for most everyday conversations and provides a solid foundation for your reading skills. We've also included 820 practice sentences to help you conjugate verbs, understand Dutch syntax and structure and help strengthen your vocabulary.

Greetings & Small Talk

Food & Ordering

Foundations I


  • Relevant vocabulary

Time & Calendar

  • Relevant vocabulary

Foundations II

  • Relevant vocabulary
  • Conjugation of 'spreken' (to speak)
  • Conjugation of 'geloven' (to believe)
  • Conjugation of 'slapen' (to sleep)
  • Conjugation of 'begrijpen' (to understand)


  • Relevant vocabulary

Shopping & Money

  • Relevant vocabulary


  • Relevant vocabulary

Foundations III

Pre-Exam Training

  • Relevant vocabulary

Past tense

  • Relevant vocabulary

Health & Body

  • Relevant vocabulary

Learn Dutch for free

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