How to use comerse: a reflexive verb

In Spanish, reflexive verbs are used when the subject of the verb both performs and receives the action. These verbs are formed by adding reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se) before the verb. One such reflexive verb is "comerse."

"Comerse" is the reflexive form of the verb "comer" (to eat). While "comer" simply means "to eat," the reflexive form "comerse" often adds a nuance or changes the meaning slightly. It can imply eating something completely, thoroughly, or with a sense of enjoyment or indulgence.


  • Comer: Voy a comer una manzana.
    (I am going to eat an apple.)

  • Comerse: Me voy a comer una manzana.
    (I am going to eat up an apple / I am going to eat the whole apple.)

In these examples, the reflexive verb "comerse" emphasizes that the action is more intense or complete. The use of "me" indicates that the subject is also the recipient of the action, highlighting a personal involvement or completion of the act.

Understanding the difference between reflexive and non-reflexive forms helps to convey more precise meanings and nuances in Spanish.

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