How to conjugate verbs ending in -are in Italian?

Like in Spanish, you don't normally use the pronoun. The correct pronoun is implied by the conjugation of the verb. For example: dove vivi implies tu and dove vive implies Lei. That means that conjugating correctly is very important (and actually much more important than in English).

Also note the capitalization of Lei. Remember that lei means "she" and Lei means "you".

The first, second and third person follow a pretty simple rule:

Italian English
io parlo I speak
tu parli you speak
Lei parla you speak (formal)
lei parla she speaks
lui parla he speaks

With Lei, you simply remove -re from the verb. For example:

  • parla (parlare)
  • abita (abitare)
  • studia (studiare)

Many verbs in Italian end with -are, and these rules apply in most cases. There are, however, always exceptions!

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