
The chapter Praesens is at the Beginner level and consists of multiple lessons. Refer to the overview below for more information.

Lesson name Lesson type Theory Question
Salvete! Vocabulary
-are Vocabulary Conjugating a-stems How to conjugate a-stems in Latin
-are II Vocabulary
-are III Vocabulary
-are IV Verb conjugations
-are V Verb conjugations
-are VI Verb conjugations
-ere Vocabulary Conjugating e-stems How to conjugate e-stems in Latin
-ere II Vocabulary
-ere III Verb conjugations
-ire I Verb conjugations Conjugating i-stems How to conjugate i-stems in Latin
-ire II Vocabulary
-ire III Verb conjugations
-ire IV Verb conjugations
Alius Vocabulary
Vincere Verb conjugations
Agere Verb conjugations
Ducere Verb conjugations
Legere Verb conjugations
Mittere Verb conjugations
Verba Irregularia Vocabulary
Esse Verb conjugations
Posse Verb conjugations
Velle Verb conjugations
Nolle Verb conjugations
Malle Verb conjugations
Ire Verb conjugations
Ferre Verb conjugations

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