Foundations I

The chapter Foundations I is at the A1 level and consists of multiple lessons. Refer to the overview below for more information.

Lesson name Lesson type Theory Question
Goed of slecht? Vocabulary
Gaan Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'gaan' (to go)
Zinnen I Sentences Present tense in English versus Dutch Present tense in English versus Dutch
Blij of verdrietig? Vocabulary
Zinnen II Sentences
Zijn I Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'zijn' (to be)
Zijn II Sentences
Zijn III Sentences
Hebben I Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'hebben' (to have)
Hebben II Sentences
Drinken Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'drinken' (to drink), conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense Conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense in Dutch
Weten Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'weten' (to know)
Kennen Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'kennen' (to know/be acquainted to)
Zinnen III Sentences
Zinnen IV Listening Exercises
Wat dingen Sentences Indefinite quantifier: wat How to use the indefinite quantifier 'wat' in Dutch
Woorden Vocabulary
Geven Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'geven' (to give)
Zinnen V Sentences
Zeggen Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'zeggen' (to say)
Wat dingen II Listening Exercises
Zinnen VI Sentences
Woorden I Vocabulary
Woorden II Vocabulary
Meervoud I Vocabulary (not counted)
Meervoud II Vocabulary (not counted)
Wat dingen Sentences
Moeten Verb conjugations (irregular, present tense) Conjugation of 'moeten' (to have to)
Zinnen VII Sentences
Wat dingen IV Listening Exercises
Het perfectum Sentences Present perfect tense (het perfectum) How to use the present perfect tense in Dutch (het perfectum)
Het perfectum II Sentences Common irregular perfect forms What are common irregular perfect forms in Dutch?
Het perfectum III Sentences Present perfect tense: 't kofschip / 't fokschaap How to use 't kofschip or 't fokschaap in Dutch

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