Greetings & Small Talk

The chapter Greetings & Small Talk is at the A1 level and consists of multiple lessons. Refer to the overview below for more information.

Lesson name Lesson type Theory Question
¡Hola! Vocabulary
¡Buenas tardes! Sentences ¡Buenas tardes!
¿Sí o no? Vocabulary
Ejercicios de escucha Listening Exercises
Encantado I Sentences Introducing yourself Encantado vs Mucho gusto
Encantado I Listening Exercises
¿Cómo estás? Sentences Asking how someone is, formal and informal speech ¿Cómo está(s usted)?
¿Cómo estás? Listening Exercises Pronunciation of the v Pronunciation of the v in Spanish
¡Lo siento! Vocabulary Saying sorry or 'excuse me' Saying sorry or 'excuse me'
¿Dónde? Sentences
¿Dónde? Listening Exercises
Encantado II Sentences Talking about age Talking about age
Encantado II Listening Exercises
Amigos Sentences Using este/esta (demonstrative adjectives), introducing friends Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives in Spanish
Amigos Listening Exercises

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